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10 Ways to Help Your Teen with Depression
1. Focus on listening instead of lecturing, criticizing, or passing judgement. The most important thing is that your teen is...

Some of My Favorite Body Safety Books
I have a large collection of books on boundaries and body safety due to my work with sexually abused and at-risk children. Today, I would...

Worried Your Teen Might Be Depressed?
Common symptoms of depression in teens include: Sadness or hopelessness Irritability, anger, or hostility * Tearfulness or frequent...

Now Accepting New Clients
We are now accepting new clients at our Kingwood location. Current availabilities include Fridays and Saturdays. Please give us a call at...

Coming Soon!
Kindred Oak Counseling Services, PLLC is excited to be part of your healing journey. We appreciate your patience as we prepare to open...

Unresolved Trauma Can Have Lasting Effects
Unresolved trauma can leave “bruises” that get “bumped.” Reactions to trauma triggers can feel confusing and overwhelming....

How Counseling Can Help You
Trauma, unhealthy relationships, and other negative experiences can impact our lives like smudges on a mirror or glasses, distorting our...
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